Monday, January 3, 2011

Examples of Goodness

We know that God is the only one who is good or who can be good. It is only through Him that we have any goodness at all. But we can practice goodness by allowing Him to work through us while we try to follow His example. One of the best ways to learn about goodness is to study the One who is good. Let's look at some of the traits of both God the Father and Jesus to find ways we can exercise goodness in our own lives.

God is compassionate. There are many examples of this trait, but here are a few that come to my mind. He gave Abraham and Sarah a child when it was their hearts' desire. He spared Lot and his family despite His anger with their city and His initial plan to destroy everyone. He spared Noah and his family. Also, He answers the prayers of those who love Him. Think of David and his many prayers the Psalms, or examples of answered prayer in your own life. God has showed His abundant compassion towards me on many occasions, especially when my actions have been less than stellar and I deserve nothing but punishment.

God is forgiving and merciful. Look at all of His dealings with Israel throughout the Old Testament and His dealings with each of us. God is also kind, caring and loving. The Bible says that God will wipe away our tears. How much more tender and loving can you get? He directs our paths. God is love. The ultimate example is the sacrifice of His only son. Now that I am a mother and have one son, I feel like I can begin to understand what this must have been like. Wow. I don't think I could ever even come close to sacrificing my son for anyone or anything. Not even close. And especially not for people who had treated me badly, rejected me, bad-mouthed me, and didn't even feel badly about any of it. But that is what God did. For us. For you. For me.

The example of Jesus is no less awe-inspiring. Jesus is also compassionate. Look at the miracles he performed for people desperate for answers and solutions. Many passages in the gospels state that Jesus "had compassion" on the people around him and acted to help them. He helped people in tangible and intangible ways. He was quick to help and kind to all. Jesus was and is faithful. He was loving and obedient to the point of horrible, painful death.

Just think of what would happen, of what would be possible through us, if each of us began to pray about and practice just a tiny fraction of the traits demonstrated to us and listed above. Choose just one of these traits and work on it in your life. Then share about what God is doing through you to bring the fruit of goodness to your life!