Friday, August 5, 2011


I am gifted. Yep, that's right. You heard it. I said it and I'm not taking it back.

Oh, I can hear you all thinking, "what has gotten into her? why is she being so vain and prideful? and this is a spiritual blog?? isn't she supposed to be talking about God and not just praising herself?"

Okay, I'm not really praising myself. And I'm not "gifted" in the sense that you are thinking or the sense in which people typically use this term. I am not smarter, more talented, or better at anything than a lot of people. I have my strengths just like everyone else but really I am average. And that's okay because I am also most definitely gifted.

Confused? Well, let me explain to you what I really mean. God has blessed me with wonderful gifts! Things that bring joy to my life and make this world a better place for me. One of these gifts is my family. Another is a nice home to live in. Wonderful friends and Godly women who have taught me so much and who have helped me grow tremendously. People who constantly point me to Christ.

God has given me a gift in baking. I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else, but it is a gift to enjoy my baking and to have been given joy through cake decorating. What a gift that is to be able to experience joy in something I get to do on this earth! To have something that can brighten my spirits no matter what else is going on in my life.

I know that you all are gifted too! Think about all the ways that you are gifted. Praise God for his wonderful gifts, beautifully suited to you. Praise Him and revel in how well He knows you, as evidenced by the gifts He has given.

Now to Him who gives abundantly in all different ways and all circumstances, to Him be the glory!