Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week 1 ... a little late

So, it took three weeks for me to do week one's family assignment with my own family! We finally went through it all on Sunday. The kids actually seemed to enjoy it. Well, Kate was off in her own little world most of the time and just kept asking if it was her turn to tell a princess story. But, she is 4, so that explains that. And, in case you were wondering, I did let her tell a princess story after we were done!

Will really got into answering the questions. When I asked him what loving things we can do for each other, he answered "not hitting." Good answer! I asked what else two more times and he kept giving me the same answer. Makes me wonder if maybe I should watch those kids a little more closely! :) Will also did a great job learning the Bible verse. It's a little long, so I am helping him, but we have been going over it every day so far.

Honestly, I'm not sure if it's helping the kids behave. They seem about the same to me (not listening very well, as usual). But I think it has helped my own attitude. It is really hard to have a bad attitude while teaching your children Bible verses or talking about how God has demonstrated love towards us! And I truly believe that learning Bible verses will help the kids in the long run. They may not remember the verses, but they will remember this time we have together and the ideas we are learning will come back to them down the road.

Have any of you tried the family experiment? If so, let me know how it has gone for you. I'll try to post plans for the second "fruit," joy, on Saturday. My kids will be gone this weekend (yeah!), so I won't be doing the "joy" lesson until the following Sunday. Until then, may God bless you and keep you, and may his light shine upon you so that you will feel and know His great love!

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