Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome to the FOTS Project

I have decided to be proactive in my own spiritual growth and learning by looking at the fruits of the spirit (FOTS) and trying to find concrete ways of developing them in my life. I am a parent so there should be plenty of opportunities to practice!

God gives us daily challenges in order for us to grow. The harder the challenge, the more opportunity for growth is present. It is our responsibility to recognize even the mundane as a tool for spiritual growth and practice. Learning about God and staying in relationship or connection with Him is a daily discipline. How can we expect to have a relationship with God if we only think or learn about Him and His word on Sundays? I need a change of focus and an attitude adjustment on a regular basis. This project is just one way to do that.

This is how it will work. We will focus on one fruit each month and I will write about it every couple of days. My wonderful sister, who is doing this with me, may do some of the main entries too. Others will comment and contribute. Together we will learn about that fruit throughout the month and come up with ways to put it into practice, being deliberate and thoughtful about it each day. In order to do this, we will need to be in God's word to learn more and be active in prayer for God's help and support. My hope is that many people will choose to contribute so that we can learn from each other and, as a result, grow even more. So, please invite all of your friends too! Each person can be committed to participating as much or as little as she wants.

At the end see where we stand. Have we learned? Have we grown? Have the fruits become a routine part of our lives? Has my attitude changed and has the change remained consistent? Have relationships improved? Am I closer to God as a result of the practice? I'm guessing that the results will be better than we can imagine.

I am so excited about the possibilities for learning and growth with this project. It may be scary and I’m sure I will at times fall short. But I also know I need the practice! God has put me in this place at this time and with these responsibilities for a reason. I want to take advantage of it. The God of the universe cares about me (and about you!) enough to put me in a position to learn and grow. And He will be with me every step of the way. After all, it is the gift of His grace that allows us to try and sometimes fail. His grace and love cover over our failures so that we can keep trying, learning, and growing. This is going to be a wild ride. I can’t wait!

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