Thursday, February 11, 2010

How do we grow in our love for God?

I read my daily devotion that I get in my email and thought it was good.

Proverbs 31 - Grow in love for God

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,"  Hebrews 12:28 (NIV)

"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34 (NIV)

1 comment:

  1. The truth in this really hits home for me. We can't be loving towards God or others without gratitude in our hearts and a realization of God's love for us. Without gratitude, we are often in a place of self-entitlement and selfishness. The focus is only on ourselves. But when we teach ourselves to be grateful, love is the natural outpouring of that gratitude. The hard part is teaching ourselves and learning to be grateful on a daily basis. Perhaps a way to help is to place verses such as those in the post around the house, car, or wherever they will be seen often so that we are faced with constant reminders of where our heart should be.
