Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Interesting Quote

Here is a quote I got about love that I got from my Bible study workbook. The author is Dr. Criswell Freeman with Tim Way. Read it and let me know what you think!

"Love is a choice. Either you choose to behave lovingly toward others ... or not; either you behave yourself in ways that enhance your relationships ... or not. But make no mistake: genuine love requires effort."


  1. So true! and hard! and honestly sometimes I feel too worn out to do anything and that's, I guess, choosing to act selfishly. As I said in an earlier comment, I'm training to run a half-marathon and it's hard. But I choose to do the run that's scheduled for that day. If I don't work hard, I won't do well in the race. Just like love, I have to choose it everyday. I'm going to be held accountable one day. and don't we want to hear the words "well done, good and faithful servant!" (Matt 25:21)

    Another thing that hit me lately is that I just realized that i've been bombarded by satan's lies and didn't even know it. And it makes me act unlovingly and have a bad attitude because I believe the lies and I become selfish. I have to pray that i'll be able to recognized what is from God and what isn't. And as the title of a documentary says (which I want to see) "Pray the Devil Back to Hell."

  2. It is so true that you must choose to love. I have to remind myself everyday to love others and to focus on God and how he would want me to treat others. Unfortunetly there are days that I have a hard time doing this! I notice that the days I really take the time to talk to God are the days that I am able to love others easier. If I get too caught up in the day and don't take the time to focus on God and his word, I lose focus and don't treat others the way God has asked us to.
