Tuesday, June 21, 2011


We all want to feel and be special, don't we? The desire to be the best at something, to be known for doing something really well, or to just be known and recognized for our own sake. I've been struggling with this lately. Not only the desire, but also a bit of pride and jealousy. But something I've been realizing has kind of solidified in my heart and mind today, so I thought I would share it with you (if anyone is still reading this blog!).

We are not special because of our individual talents or even our God-given gifts. Our abilities do not make us special. What we can do has nothing to do with whether or not we are special. Not at all. There will always be someone more talented, more recognized, better looking, younger, or more gifted.

The one and only thing that makes us special is our Creator. The God who made the universe made each one of us. He loves us as we are. We are all equally special in His eyes because we are all made in His image and we all have extraordinary potential. Yes, we have been given gifts, but it is not the gifts that make us special, but the Giver of those gifts. And we must remember that He has given us gifts not for the sake of those gifts and not to boost our desire to feel special, but so that we can have a positive impact on those around us, pointing each person with whom we come into contact straight back to God.

To come later, one more fruit is left! Self-control.... After that, a FOTS family experiment. Stay tuned!