Monday, July 11, 2011

FOTS Family Experiment - Week 1

For any of you waiting on this, sorry! I meant to get this out there on Saturday, but time got away from me.

So, we're starting at the beginning with Love for the first week of the family experiment.

The verse I chose is I John 4:10-11, "This is love: not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." I chose this verse because it is a really great (perfect really) picture of love and it also will give me a good opportunity to explain some of these concepts to my kids. Adults should memorize the whole thing but if it's too long for your kids to remember, go ahead and shorten it. I'm going to have my kids memorize this portion: "since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." And, if you prefer, you can always choose another verse for you and your family. Choose as God directs you!

You should also spend time with a story for the kids. The story I am choosing is Jesus and the cross. This obviously goes along with the verse. You could choose another story if you like, but make sure it demonstrates love, goes along with the verse you've chosen, and is from the Bible.

During the family time and throughout the week, ask yourself and your kids "what does love look like?" and "how can we love one another like the verse says?" Some answers might be kind words, sharing, serving, time spent with each other, encouraging each other, showing affection, listening, obeying. I can't wait to hear what my kids will come up with for this one.

Let me know how it goes! And if you choose a different verse or story, let me know the details of what you've chosen!

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